We all know how it goes…you do a long ride and then either get into the car or into the house and then forget all about stretching. BUT even 5 minutes stretching afterwards will help you recover more quickly.
So here are five stretches you can do whilst still in your bike shoes. Do them as soon as you get home / to your destination. Then eat/ drink / relax.
Pyramid Pose
One foot forward about 1 metre. Both hips facing forward. Feet parallel, facing forward. Hands on hips. Inhale extend through the spine, straightening it and opening the chest. Exhale bend forward. An intense hamstring stretch. Again keep leg muscles active.
Wide legged forward fold
This hamstring stretch feels great. Place your feet about a metre apart, both feet facing forwards. Activate your quad muscles to lift your knee caps so your knees aren’t jammed backwards. Inhale, lengthen through the spine and exhale bend forward. Don’t stretch to the point of agony! And don’t compete with anyone else.
Awkward Chair
You CAN do this without a car / tree / gate to lean against but it’s HARD, especially if you’re on hard ground. Easier if it’s slightly muddy. Anyway, ideally rest your hips against a car / tree. Then put your left foot on top of your right knee and flex the foot. Then try and sit down a bit more. It’s a glute stretch.
Dancer Pose
Hold onto something for stability with your left hand. Pick up your right foot in your right hand and then press back into your hand, pushing the hip forward and opening the shoulder. Opening hip flexors and quads as well as the chest muscles.
Warrior 1 with hands behind your back
Interlock your hands behind your back. AH that feels good to open the shoulders after a ride! Step one foot about a metre forward and bend the knee so it’s over the ankle. You’ll usually feel a stretch in the calf and in the front of the hip flexor. BREATHE. Then swop sides.